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Phleung Sne Phleung Kamhoeng | Khmer Movie | Thai Drama Best 2019
Urawee and Unthiga are half sisters who are constantly competing with each other. They use the pure love from two brothers as a bet.
Urawee will use it to take revenge on her sister because she doesn’t believe in true love, and Unthiga will try every way to win the heart of the guy she loves.
But they’re not the ones in control of this game.
Antica and Urawi Is a blood sibling born of different mothers Both were born on the same date. Only a few minutes apart, Khun Arm, the father of both, married Maliwan.
Urawi’s mother first Without registering the marriage But when your arm business has a problem Noppamas, the mother of Thika, reached out to help.
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Phleung Sne Phleung Kamhoeng – Plerng Ruk Plerng Kaen
Phleung Sne Phleung Kamhoeng, Khmer Movie, Thai Drama, Best 2019